Business 2 Business Reports

bb3Business Reports can be a report run on a business to identify ownership, officers, financial history, etc., or it can be a report run by a business to locate or find out about an individual or another business.

Often the issue is a little easier to see than at other times.

But to protect yourself, your company and your employees, it is always best to check things out.

Who uses Business 2 Business reports?

Attorneys and Law Firms, Licensed Investigators, Financial Services, Insurance Companies, Corporate Risk, Fraud and Security Departments, Investigative Reporters, Law Enforcement, Government, Collections Departments, etc.
Business 2 Business reports not only find and identify negative information, they are often used to find hidden assets such as Vehicles, Properties, Deeds, Assessments, etc., as a result of a judgment or lawsuit.

We can help. Give us a call at 281.565.0660 or send an email to MickeyM at for a free, no obligation evaluation